Civil War Research
MTS Regiment Reports
1930 Oberlin Road
Harrisburg, PA 17111
ph: 717-939-0885
History of the 37th Pennsylvania Infantry (8th Pennsylvania Reserves Corps)
Source: The Union Army, vol. 1
Thirty-seventh Infantry. - Cols., George S. Hays, Silas M.
Bailey; Lieut.-Cols., S. Duncan Oliphant, William Lemon; Majs.,
J. B. Gardner, J. W. Duncan, S. M. Bailey, Robert E. Johnston,
George S. Gallupe. The 37th, the 8th reserve regiment, was
organized at Pittsburg and there mustered into the U. S.
service for a three years, term on June 28, 1861. It rendez-
voused at Camp Wright, near Pittsburg, until ordered to
Washington on July 20, and there encamped until Aug. 2, when it
reported to Gen. McCall at Tennallytown and was assigned to the
1st brigade, Pa. reserve corps, under Brig.-Gen. John F.
Reynolds. Winter quarters were established at Langley, Va.,
and the brigade encamped there from Oct. 9, 1861, to the spring
of 1862, when it was attached to the 1st corps and held at
Washington until the other troops had embarked for the
Peninsula. Late in May the regiment joined the army and took
part in the battle of Mechanicsville, with great loss, and also
in the battle of Gaines, mill, but was in reserve at Malvern
hill. In August it joined Gen. Pope's army and shared in the
battle of the second Bull Run. Then, under McClellan, it fought
at South mountain and Antietam, and was at Fredericksburg under
Gen. Burnside. In all these fierce engagements the 37th fought
nobly and became tried and reliable veterans. In the advance
at Fredericksburg the conduct of the command was heroic, but
after the day was over only half of the regiment was able to
report for duty. On Feb. 8, 1863, the 37th was ordered with
the rest of the reserves to the defenses of Washington for a
needed rest, and here it was stationed until April 19, 1864,
when it left for the front. After a week in camp at Bristoe
Station it shared in the battle of the Wilderness, and in the
subsequent actions of that campaign until May 17, when it was
relieved, the veterans and recruits were transferred to the
191st Pa. infantry, and the remainder ordered home. The
regiment was mustered out at Pittsburg, May 24, 1864.
Copyright 2010 MTS Regiment Reports. All rights reserved.
MTS Regiment Reports
1930 Oberlin Road
Harrisburg, PA 17111
ph: 717-939-0885